
ΠΩ ΠΩ !!! Καινούριες λέξεις!!! Τι είναι MILF, GILF και DILF;;; Αυτή είναι η νέα γλώσσα επικοινωνίας του Internet!

Εδώ και χρόνια οι γενιές αναπτύσσουν δικές τους λέξεις και προσπαθούν να βρίσκουν κόλπα προκειμένου να συντομεύουν τις έννοιες.
Πολλές φορές στο παρελθόν παρατηρούμε πως οι γλώσσες αλλάζουν, δημιουργούνται λέξεις και έννοιες. Τώρα πια υπάρχει η συντομογραφία προτάσεων λόγω του Chat με αφορμή την ταχύτητα γραφής-πληκτρολόγησης. 
Ξεκίνησε από τα chatrooms και πλέον χρησιμοποιείται σε facebook, google, messengers,κινητά έτσι ώστε με 3-4 γράμματα να περιγράφεις αυτό που θες να πεις και κυρίως….κωδικοποιημένα….
Έτσι οι πρώτες και πιο συχνές αναφορές που βρίσκουμε ακόμα και εκτός Chat-Internet είναι στη λέξη M.I.L.F. 
Το MILF ξεκίνησε από πορνοsites όπου έδειχναν κοπέλες ηλικίας συνήθως άνω των 35, οι οποίες θεωρητικά είναι σε ηλικία μαμάς…
Με λίγα λόγια η λέξη MILF αναλύεται στα αγγλικά ως «Mother I’d Like to F***» και μεταφράζεται σε «Μαμά που θέλω να γ*****»
Αντίστοιχα, το GILF αναλύεται στα αγγλικά ως «Grandmother I’d Like to F***» και μεταφράζεται σε «Γιαγιά που θέλω να γ*****»
Τέλος, το DILF αναλύεται στα αγγλικά ως «Dad I’d Like to F***» και μεταφράζεται σε «Μπαμπάς που θέλω να γ*****»

Σχετιζόμενα με τη λέξη μαμά:

· AMF Adios, Mother F***er

· BAMF Bad Ass Mother F***er

· BFAM Brother From Another Mother

· DMF Dumb Mother F***er

· DTMFA Dump The Mother F***ker Already

· EMFDYSI English, Mother F***ker! Do You Speak It?

· ESADMF Eat S**t And Die, Mother F***er

· FMMFL F*** My Mother F***ing Life

· FTMFW For The Mother F***ing Win

· FUMF F*** You Mother F***er

· GFYM Go F*** Your Mother

· GIMF Google It Mother F***er

· GQMF GQ Mother F***er

· HIMYM How I Met Your Mother (TV show)

· HMFIC Head Mother F***er In Charge

· HSMF Holy S**t Mother F***er

· LAMF Like A Mother F***er

· LLAMF Laughing Like A Mother F***er

· LMF Little/Lazy Mother F***ker

· MADD Mothers Against Drunk Driving

· MBFAM My Brother From Another Mother

· MF Mother F***er

· MFB Mother F***ing Bitch

· MFIC Mother F***er In Charge

· MFN Mother Freaking, Mother F***ing

· MIF Mother I F***ed

· MIL Mother In Law

· MIRF Mother I’d Run From (opposite of MILF)

· MMFCL Much Mother F***ing Clown Love

· MMFWCL Much Mother F***ing Wicked Clown Love

· MOAB Mother of All Bombs

Massive Ordnance Air Blast

· MOAS Mother Of All Secrets

· MOBO Motherboard

· MOFO Mother F***er

· MOFU Mother F***er

· MOTB Mother Of The Bride

· OMMFG Oh My Mother F***ing God

· QFMFT Quoted for Mother F***ing Truth

· REMF Rear Echelon Mother F***er

· RMFT Roll Mother F***ing Tide

· SMDHE Some Mothers Do Have Em

· SMF Sick/Stupid Mother F***er

· SMMFH Shaking My Mother F***ing Head

· SMOG Sweet Mother Of God

· WAMW Wish A Motherf***er Would

· WTMF What The Mother F***

· YUMMY MUMMY Attractive mother

Σχετικά με το “like':

· 420 FRIENDLY Person who likes smoking pot

· AUSTRALIAN KISS Like a FK but down under

· BCE Before Common Era (like BC)

· BFFLE Best Friends For Like Ever

· BGL Big Game License, likes fat people

· BILF Brother/Boss I’d Like to F***

· BLG Boys Like Girls (band)

· BLS Blown Like S**t

· BRODA Bro Who Is Like Yoda

· BUTT PIRATE Man who likes anal sex with another man

· CHOOB High level player who acts like a noob

· DEALING Acting like boyfriend/girlfriend

Selling drugs

· DFLI Don’t Feel Like It

· DIG Understand

Enjoy, like

· DILF Dad I’d Like to F***

· DILLIC Does It Look Like I Care

· DILLIGAD Do I Look Like I Give A Darn?

· DILLIGAF Do I Look Like I Give A F***?

· DILLIGAS Do I Look Like I Give A S**t

· DYL Do You Like…?

· E> Heart like

· ELI5 Explain Like I’m 5

· FILF Father I’d Like to F***

· FREEBSD Free Berkeley Software Distribution (Unix like OS)

· GILF Grandmother I’d Like to F***

· GLAG Giggling Like A Girl

· GLU Guys/Girsl Like Us

· IDFLI I Don’t Feel Like It

· IDL I Don’t Like …

· IDLI I Don’t Like It

· IDLT I Don’t Like That

· IKLY I Kinda Like You

· ILF I’d Like to F***

· ILT I Like That

· ILYLAS I Love You Like A Sister

· IRLY I Really Like You

· IYQ I Like You

· JLT Just like that

· LAMF Like A Mother F***er

· LDO Like Duh, Obviously

· LHYW Like Hell You Will

· LIC Like I Care

· LIEK Like

· LIGAF Like I Give A F***

· LIGAS Like I Give A S**t

· LIKE Introduction to a quote

same as UM

· LILABOC Life Is Like A Box Of Chocolates

· LLAB Laughing Like A Bitch

· LLAMF Laughing Like A Mother F***er

· LLC Limited Liability Company

Laughing Like Crazy

· LLF Laughing Like F***

· LLH Laughing Like Hell

· LLS Laughing Like S**t

· LMS Like My Status

Last Man Standing

· LNIB Like New In Box

· LULAB Love You Like A Brother

· LULAS Love You Like A Sister

· LYKE Like

· LYLAB Love You Like A Brother

· LYLAF Love You Like A Friend

· LYLAS Love You Like A Sister

· LYLC Love You Like Crazy

· LYLMB Love You Like My Brother

· ME GUSTA I like (Spanish)

· MEETER Person who likes to look at fat men

· MEME An idea that spreads like a virus by word of mouth, email, blogs etc

· MLYP Much Like Your Post

· NOLY No One Likes You

· OSLT Or Something Like That

· OTL like ORZ stick figure on hands and knees

Out To Lunch

· OWLING Crouching and staring like an owl

· PANTHER Woman who likes older men

· PLU People Like Us

· RIYL Recommended If You Like

· RLAB Roll Like A Buffalo


· SILF Sister I’d Like to F***

· SLAP Sounds Like A Plan

· SLF Sounds Like Fun

· SOD Fool, idiot

General swear word, like F***

· SWEAT Like, love

· SWPL Stuff White People Like

· TILF Teacher I’d Like To F***

· TILII Tell It Like It Is

· TOMBOY Girl who behaves like a boy

· TQM Te Quiero Mucho (I Like You A Lot)

· VJ Video Jockey (like DJ with lights and video)

· WHITEWASH Act like a white person

· WILF Wife I’d Like to F***

· WLTM Would Like To Meet

· WYL Whatever You Like

· WYLABOCTGWTR Would You Like A Bowl Of Cream To Go With That Remark?

· WYLASOMWTC Would You Like A Saucer Of Milk With That Comment?

· WYLION Whether You Like It Or Not

· WYLSCWTW Would You Like Some Cheese With That Whine?

· YQ I Like You

Άλλα σχετικά με το “f***':

· 2FF Too F***ing Funny

· 4Q F*** You

· AF Aunt Flo (Menstruation)

As F***

· AFD All F***ing Day

· AFDN Any F***ing Day Now

· AFGO Another F***ing Growth Opportunity

· AFT About F***ing Time

· AFU All F***ed Up

· AMF Adios, Mother F***er

· ASAFP As Soon As F***ing Possible

· AYFKM Are You F***ing Kidding Me?

· AYFS Are You F***ing Serious

· BAF Bored As F***

· BAMF Bad Ass Mother F***er

· BAQ Alternative word for f***, s**t, etc

· BFC Big F***ing Can (of 32 oz.Monster energy drink)

· BFD Big F***ing Deal

· BFE Bum F*** Egypt, in the middle of nowhere

· BFFF Best F***ing Friends Forever

· BFFFL Best Friend Forever For Life

Best F***ing Friends For Life

· BFG Big Friendly Giant

Big F***ing Gun

· BFS Bull F***ing S**t

· BFU Butt F***ing Ugly

· BILF Brother/Boss I’d Like to F***

· BTFO Back The F*** Off

· BTFU Boiler The F*** Up

· BTFW By The F***ing Way

· BUFU Butt F***

· CBF Can’t Be F***ed

· CBFA Can’t Be F***ing Arsed

· CBFB Can’t Be F***ing Bothered

· CDFU Cracking Da F*** Up

· CF Cluster F***

· CFM Come F*** Me

· CFMN Come F*** Me Now

· CFMP Come F*** Me Pumps

· CFU Completely F***ing Useless

· CFW Can’t F***ing Wait

· CHUCK Chill as F***

· CRAFT Can’t Remember A F***ing Thing

· CTFD Calm The F*** Down

· CTFO Chill The F*** Out

· CTFU Cracking The F*** Up

Cheer The F*** Up

· DAF Drunk As F***

· DASF Drunk As F***

· DFC Don’t F***ing Care

· DFH Dirty F***ing Hippy

· DFKDFC Don’t F***ing Know, Don’t F***ing Care

· DFKM Don’t F***ing Kill Me

· DFL Dead F***ing Last

· DFWM Don’t F*** With Me

· DGAF Don’t Give A F***

· DGF Don’t Give a F***

· DHAFC Don’t Have A F***ing Clue

· DILF Dad I’d Like to F***

· DILLIGAF Do I Look Like I Give A F***?

· DIU F*** (Cantonese)

Disappointed In You

· DMF Dumb Mother F***er

· DNFD Do Not F***ing Disturb

· DO ONE Go away, f*** off

· DO1 Go away, f*** off

· DTF Down To F***

· DTMFA Dump The Mother F***ker Already

· EF F***

· EFF F***

· EFFIN F***ing

· EMFDYSI English, Mother F***ker! Do You Speak It?

· ESADMF Eat S**t And Die, Mother F***er

· F F***

· F’N F***ing

· F***ING A F***ing Affirmative

· F-BOMB F***

· FAF Fit As F***

Funny As F***

· FAHQ F*** You

· FAK F***

· FANTA F*** And Never Touch Again

· FATS F*** All This S**t

· FBGM F*** Bitches, Get Money

· FBS F***ing Bulls**t

· FDS F*** Dat S**t

· FECK F***

· FEEK Kiss, f***

· FFS For F**** Sake

· FFT Fan F***ing Tastic

· FGI F***ing Google It

· FHL F*** His/Her Life

· FIA F*** It All

· FIDIOT F***ing Idiot

· FIDO F*** It, Drive On

· FIG JAM F*** I’m Good Just Ask Me

· FIGJAM F*** I’m Good, Just Ask Me

· FIGMO F*** It, Got My Orders

· FIIK F*** If I Know

· FILF Father I’d Like to F***

· FITCH F***ing bitch

· FITFO Figure It The F*** Out

· FITH F***ed In The Head

· FKN F***ing

· FKU F*** You

· FLIPPING Mild version of F***ing

· FLML F***ing Love My Life

· FLOVE F***ing Love

· FMC F*** My Computer

· FMD F*** Me Dead

· FMFL F*** My F***ing Life

· FML F*** My Life

· FMLIA F***, My Life Is Average

· FMLL F*** My Love Life

· FMMFL F*** My Mother F***ing Life

· FMN F*** Me Now

· FMP F*** Me Pumps

· FMS F*** Me Sideways

· FMSL F*** My Sex Life

· FN F***ing

· FNG F***ing New Guy

· FO F*** Off

· FOAD F*** Off And Die

· FOCUS F*** Off Cause You’re Stupid

· FOD F*** Off and Die

· FOFF F*** Off

· FOH F*** Outa Here

· FOL F*** Our Lives

· FOOK F***

· FOYC F*** Off You C***

· FOYL F*** Off You Loser

· FPMSL F***ing Pissed Myself Lauging

· FQ F*** You

· FRIGGIN Replacement word for F***ing

· FSS F***ing Super Sweet

· FT F*** That

For Trade

· FTB F*** the BS

· FTBS F*** This BS

· FTFA From The F***ing Article

· FTFL For The F***ing Lose

· FTFO F*** The F*** Off

· FTFW For The F***ing Win

· FTMFW For The Mother F***ing Win

· FTS F*** This Shit

· FU F*** You

· FU2 F*** You Too

· FUAH F*** You Ass Hole

· FUBR F***ed Up Beyond Recognition

· FUDGE Alternative to F***

· FUG F***ing Ugly

· FUGLY F***ing Ugly

· FUGS F***ing Ugly

· FUI F***ed Up Individual

· FUK F***

· FUMF F*** You Mother F***er

· FUMTU F***ed Up More Than Usual

· FURB F*** You Right Back

· FUSTER CLUCK Cluster F***

· FUUU F***

· FUV F*** You Vehicle (derogatory term for SUV)

· FUX F***

· FVCK F***

· FWM F*** With Me

· FWU F****** With You

· FWY F***ing With You

· FY F*** You

· FYAD F*** You And Die

· FYB F*** You, Bitch

· FYF F*** Your Face

· FYFI For Your F***ing Information

· FYL F*** Your Life

· FYMM F*** You, My Man

· FYS F*** Yo Shit

· FYYFF F*** You, You F***ing F***

· GAF Give A F***

· GAFL Get A F***ing Life

· GAFMO Get A F***ing Move On

· GFAC Go F*** A Cow

· GFAD Go F*** A Duck

· GFD God F***ing Damnit

· GFDI God F***ing Damn It

· GFG Good F***ing Game

· GFGI Go F***ing Google It

· GFL Good F***ing Luck

· GFS Good F***ing Story

· GFUS Go F*** Yourself

· GFYM Go F*** Your Mother

· GFYS Go F*** Yourself

· GILF Grandmother I’d Like to F***

· GIMF Google It Mother F***er

· GMAFB Give Me A F***ing Break

· GMFB Get Money, F*** Bitches

· GQMF GQ Mother F***er

· GTF Get The F***

· GTFA Get The F*** Away

· GTFAFM Get The F*** Away From Me

· GTFB Get The F*** Back

· GTFG Go To F***ing Google

· GTFH Go To F***ing Hell

· GTFI Get The F*** In

· GTFO Get The F*** Out

· GTFOH Get The F*** Out of Here

· GTFOI Get The F*** Over It

· GTFOM Get The F*** Off Me

· GTFOOH Get The F*** Out Of Here

· GTFU Grow The F*** Up

· HAF Hot As F***

· HBF Hand Butt F***

· HFN Hell, F*** No

· HFS Holy F***ing S**t

· HMFIC Head Mother F***er In Charge

· HSMF Holy S**t Mother F***er

· HTF How The F***?

Hard To Find

· HTFDIK How The F*** Do I Know?

· HTFSIK How The F*** Should I Know

· HTFU Hurry The F*** Up

· HWDP Huj W Dupe Policji (Polish – F*** the police)

· IDFC I Don’t F***ing Care

· IDFGAS I Don’t F***ing Give A S**t

· IDFK I Don’t F***ing Know

· IDGAF I Don’t Give A F***

· IDGAFF I Don’t Give A Flying F***

· IDRGAF I Don’t Really Give A F***

· IFC In F***ing Control

· IFHML I F***ing Hate My Life

· IFHY I F***ing Hate You

· IFLU I F***ing Love You

· IFLY I F***ing Love You

· IHNFC I Have No F***ing Clue

· IHTFP I Hate This F***ing Place

· IJDGAF I Just Don’t Give A F***

· ILF I’d Like to F***

· ILUSFM I Love You So F***ing Much

· ILYSFM I Love You So F***ing Much

· IMFA In My F***ing Ass

· IMFAO In My F***ing Arrogant Opinion

· IMFO In My F***ing Opinion

· IMYSFM I Miss You So F***ing Much

· IRDGAF I Really Don’t Give A F***

· IWF I Wanna F***

· IWFU I Wanna F*** You

· IWTFY I Wrote This For You

I Want To F*** You

· JAFO Just Another F***ing Observer

· JBF Just Been F***ed

· JFC Jesus F***ing Christ

· JFDI Just F***ing Do It

· JFGI Just F***ing Google It

· JFWY Just F***ing With You

· JTFO Joked The F*** Out

· KCUF F*** backwards

· KMFA Kiss My F***ing Ass

· KMFT Kiss My F***ing Teeth

· KTFO Knocked The F*** Out

· LAGNAF Let’s All Get Naked And F***

· LAMF Like A Mother F***er

· LFD Long F***ing Day

· LIGAF Like I Give A F***

· LLAMF Laughing Like A Mother F***er

· LLF Laughing Like F***

· LMF Little/Lazy Mother F***ker

· LMFAO Laughing My F***ing Ass Off

· LMTFA Leave Me The F*** Alone

· LOFL Laughing Out F***ing Loud

· LSFH Laughing So F***ing Hard

· LYSFM Love You So F***ing Much

· MF Mother F***er

· MFB Mother F***ing Bitch

· MFIC Mother F***er In Charge

· MFK Marry, F***, Kill

· MFN Mother Freaking, Mother F***ing

· MIF Mother I F***ed

· MLIF My Life Is F***ed

· MMFCL Much Mother F***ing Clown Love

· MMFWCL Much Mother F***ing Wicked Clown Love

· MOFO Mother F***er

· MOFU Mother F***er

· MTFU Man The F*** Up

· MYFB Mind Your F***ing Business

· MYOFB Mind Your Own F***ing Business

· NAFC Not A F***ing Clue

· NAFTA Nother Afternoon F***ing That Ass

North American Free Trade Agreement

· NFC No F***ing Clue

No Fat Chicks

· NFD No F***ing Doubt

· NFG No F***ing Good

· NFP No F***ing Problem

· NFW No F****** Way

· NITFM Not In The F***ing Mood

· NMFP Not My F***ing Problem

· NOYFB None Of Your F***ing Business

· NVFM Never F***ing Mind

· NWTF Now What The F***?

· OFFS Oh, For F***’s Sake

· OFO Out F***ing Off

· OFP Own F***ing Program

· OFT Often

Oh, F*** That

· OFW Oh F***ing Well

· OFY Oh F*** Yeah

· OMF Oh My F***

Misspelling of OMG

· OMFG Oh My F****ing Gosh

· OMFL Oh My F****ing Lord

· OMFW Oh My F***ing Word

· OMGWTFBBQ Oh My God, What The F***, Barbeque

· OMMFG Oh My Mother F***ing God

· PFG Pretty F***ing Good

· PFM Please Forgive Me

Pure F***ing Magic

· PFO Please F*** Off

· PTFO Pass The F*** Out

· QFMFT Quoted for Mother F***ing Truth

· QTF Quoted For Truth

Quit F***ing Talking

· RAF Rough As F***

· REAM F***

· REMF Rear Echelon Mother F***er

· RFN Right F***ing Now

· RMFT Roll Mother F***ing Tide

· ROFFL Rolling On F***ing Floor Laughing

· ROFLMFAO Rolling On Floor Laughing My F***ing A** Off

· ROOT F***

· ROTFLMFAO Rolling On The Floor Laughing My F***ing Ass Off

· RTFA Read the F***ing Article

· RTFD Read The F***ing Description

· RTFF Read The F***ing FAQ

· RTFQ Read The F***ing Question

· RTFS Read The F***ing Source

· RTFT Read The F***ing Thread

Read The F***ing Topic

· RUFKM Are You F***ing Kidding Me

· SCREW F***

· SDFU Shut Da F*** Up

· SFA Sweet F*** All

· SFB So F***ing Bored

S**t For Brains

· SFD S**t, F***, Damn

· SFF So F***ing Funny

· SFM So F***ing Much

· SFU So F***ed Up

· SILF Sister I’d Like to F***

· SMF Sick/Stupid Mother F***er

· SMFD Suck My F***ing Dick

· SMFH Shaking My F***ing Head

· SMFH Shaking My F***ing Head

· SMMFH Shaking My Mother F***ing Head

· SOD Fool, idiot

General swear word, like F***

· SOFA KING So F***ing

· STF Shut The F***

Sa Te Fut (F*** you Romanian)

· STFD Sit The F*** Down

· STFG Search The F***ing Google

· STFO Stay The F*** Out

· STFU Shut The F*** Up

· STFUB Shut The F*** Up, Bitch

· STFW Search the F***ing Web

So The F*** What

· STUFU Shut The F*** Up

· SUSFU Situation Unchanged, Still F***ed Up

· SWACK F***

· SYFM Shut Your F***ing Mouth

· TBFH To Be F***ing Honest

· TBQFH To Be Quite F***ing Honest

· TF The F***

· TFB Too F***ing Bad

· TFBS That’s F***ing Bull S**t

· TFF Too F***ing Funny

· TFFS That’s For F***ing Sure

· TFFT Thank F*** For That

· TFG Thank F***ing God

· TFIF Thank F*** It’s Friday

· TFN Till Further Notice

Total F***ing Nightmare

· TFW The F*** What?

· TIFS This Is F***ing Stupid

· TILF Teacher I’d Like To F***

· TMFD Too Much F***ing Drama

· TMFI Too Much F***ing Information

· TOGTFO Tits Or Get The F*** Out

· TSWGAF Tell Someone Who Gives A F***

· TTF That’s The F***

· TTIF Thank F*** It’s Friday

· TWOFT Total Waste Of F***ing Time

· UFB Un F***ing Believable

· UFI You F***ing Idiot

· UNF Universal Noise of F***ing

· UP YOURS Shut up, f*** off

· UTFG Use The F***ing Google

· VSF Go F*** Yourself in Portuguese

· WAF Wack As F***


· WAFWOT What A F***ing Waste Of Time

· WASF We Are So F***ed

· WDF What Da F***

· WDFA We Don’t F*** Around

· WDFD Whoop Dee F***ing Doo

· WF Wanna F***

· WFC Who F***ing Cares?

· WFO Wide F***ing Open

· WFT Well F*** That

Misspelling of WTF

· WGAF Who Gives A F***?

· WGAFF Who Gives A Flying F***

· WILF Wife I’d Like to F***

· WOFTAM Waste Of F***ing Time And Money

· WTAF What The Actual F***

· WTF What The F***?

· WTFAYD What The F*** Are You Doing?

· WTFAYTA What The F*** Are You Talking About?

· WTFC Who the F*** Cares

· WTFE What the F*** Ever

· WTFF What The F***ing F***

· WTFH What The F***ing Hell?

· WTFIGO What The F*** Is Going On?

· WTFITSTM What The F*** Is That Supposed To Mean?

· WTFIUWT What The F*** Is Up With That?

· WTFIWWY What The F*** Is Wrong With You?

· WTFIYP What The F*** Is Your Problem?

· WTFJH What The F*** Just Happened?

· WTFN Why The F*** Not?

· WTFO What The F***, Over

· WTFRU Where The F*** Are You?

· WTFS What The F***ing S**t

· WTFU Wake The F*** Up

· WTFWJD What The F*** Would Jesus Do?

· WTFWT What The F*** Was That?

· WTMF What The Mother F***

· WYFP What’s Your F***ing Problem

· YAFA You Are F***ing Awesome

· YFF You F***ing F***

· YFI You F***ing Idiot

· YFP Your F***ing Problem

· YTF Why The F***?
