“Να είσαι πάντα ο καλύτερος”, λέει ο Πηλέας στον γιο του Αχιλλέα, “καλύτερος από όλους τους υπόλοιπους”
(Ιλιάδα, VI, 215).»
Dominique Venner
Dominique Venner
Bon Thomas Henry (1766–1836), “Achilles landing in Troy”
[In the image of the heroes, the true, noble, and accomplished men (kalos kai agathos) seek in the courage of action the measure of their excellence (arete), as women seek in love or giving of oneself the light that makes them real. The only thing that matters is what is beautiful and strong.
“Always be the best,” Peleus tells his son Achilles, “better than all the rest” (Iliad, VI, 215).]
[In the image of the heroes, the true, noble, and accomplished men (kalos kai agathos) seek in the courage of action the measure of their excellence (arete), as women seek in love or giving of oneself the light that makes them real. The only thing that matters is what is beautiful and strong.
“Always be the best,” Peleus tells his son Achilles, “better than all the rest” (Iliad, VI, 215).]