
Η Dorothée Mesander για τα κολάζ της Ειρήνης Μητούδη στο βιβλίο ΔΥΠΝΟΟΣ ΕΚΦΡΑΣΗ -Εκδόσεις ΜΑΤΙ, (6 ΦΩΤΟ)

Το προλογικό σημείωμα της ιδρύτριας της λέσχης ΚΟΛΑΖ Θεσσαλονίκης, κ. Dorothée Mesander στο βιβλίο ΔΥΠΝΟΟΣ ΕΚΦΡΑΣΗ των εκδόσεων ΜΑΤΙ: 
Eirini Mitoudi is an interior designer and teacher in that field, but in her capacity as a collagist I am invited to write a few words about her analogue collage work, the art form she chose to express passionately her inner world.
From a young age she glued and pasted her books with appealing to her images, preserving memories.

Her analogue paper collages are often combined with painting and sometimes 3D elements, creating mixed-media work for more context and depth.

Strongly influenced by the modern and urban lifestyle, Eirini Mitoudi leads the viewer into her surreal paper world, inviting us to look beyond the imagery as we know it and to interpret the messages she is conveying.

By way of deconstructing, reconstructing and junxta positioning her material, one can say that it forms a natural connection to and a result from her other professional activities.

Dorothée Mesander
Collagist founder
of the Thessaloniki Collage Club